Image by Kristina Paukshtite
Halloween is coming! And to get your station ready, we created a multipart scaring plan for you!
Be brave and check the first video tutorial of this Halloween season: learn how to create a VO that will frighten your audience!
At first, you need your unprocessed VO. For my effect I used Doug MacAskill’s voice. Then you add several layers to the original. Here’s a short overview how to do the effect:
- Create 8 mono tracks, pairing up for two.
- Delay one channel of the second and third pair around 16ms to widen the layer.
- Create a LoCut around 400 Hz on the third pair.
- Send all the tracks to a reverb.
- Drop the original VO to the first pair.
- First duplicate: pitch -6 semitones.
- Second duplicate: pitch +4 semitones and add
– SciFi
– Mondo Mod
– Flanger
– Filter - Third duplicate: pitch +6 semitones, add Enigma.
- Volume adjustments.
- Move the clips to create a chorus effect.
Be up for next week and learn how to use this VO and create a Halloween style sweeper!